Grading Scale
- 90% - 100% (A)
- 80% - 89% (B)
- 70% - 79% (C)
- 60% - 69% (D)
- 0 - 59% (F)
All class ranks and grade point averages will be determined by a weighted system. "Honors" classes will receive a value of five points for an A. "Regular" classes will receive a value of four points for an A.
Grade reports will be mailed home regularly. The report card carries information regarding academic performance and attendance. All semester grades will be recorded on the student's transcript. Parents may check grades and attendance on the Power School website.
Honor Roll will be posted twice each year (at the end of each semester). The A Honor Roll includes the names of all students enrolled in a minimum of 25 semester hours and having at least a 3.5 GPA (with no grade lower than a C). The B Honor Roll includes the names of all students enrolled in a minimum of 25 semester hours and having a 3.0 to 3.49 GPA (with no grade lower than a C). All subjects are included in this average.