To: Parents/Guardians of all HPS 4th – 8th grade students
From: Jeff Schneider, Superintendent
Re: Digital Citizenship Follow-Up
Date: 11-1-23
As you are aware, most 4th-8th grade students participated in a digital citizenship lesson this fall. The objectives were:
• What is a digital footprint and why is it so important?
• What is an invisible audience and what are the dangers associated with public profiles?
• What is your usage and where are you going online?
• Alt accounts, how are you using them and what has been your experience?
• Sexting, sending nudes and sextortion; what happens when this happens? (6th grade +)
You may remember that we began this process by inviting parents to learn more about this on September 12th. The second opportunity for parents will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 7th.
4th – 5th grade parents/guardians: District Office at 5:30PM (1515 W. 8th Street)
6th – 8th grade parents/guardians: District Office at 6:45 PM (1515 W. 8th Street)
***Park on the west side of the building and enter through the administration entrance. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor and follow the arrows which will lead you to the boardroom where the meetings will take place.
This is a great opportunity for parents/guardians to learn about some dangerous situations that our youth are faced with and to ask experts how to help their children avoid them or work through them. All parents/guardians are invited to attend.
If you have questions or concerns, I can be reached at jeff.schneider@hpstigers.org or 402-461-7511.