Instrument Donation images
Instrument Donation images

Instrument Donation

treble cleff with notesHPS FOUNDATION

Our goal is to provide string and band instruments for HPS students
who want to play, but cannot afford to.

There are three ways an individual or business can contribute
to the HPS Foundation Instrument Donation Program:

1. DONATE a new or used instrument to the Hastings Public Schools Foundation.
2. MONETARY donations can be made to the Hastings Public Schools
 Foundation specifically for instrument purchase.

3. SPONSOR A STUDENT as an individual or a business by renting or purchasing
 a new or used instrument for one or more students through the Hastings
 Public Schools Foundation.

To donate, make check payable to:
HPS Foundation (memo line should specify HPS Instrument Donation Program) 
Send check to; HPS Foundation, 1515 W 8th Street, Hastings, NE 68901

You will receive a tax deductible receipt and, upon request, can be
recognized in concert programs
 for in-kind donations or monetary support.

If you have questions or would like to help, please contact Rick Matticks.

  band students small picture
Rick Matticks
HPS Music Coordinator

orchestra students

percussion students

band students

student playing bass cello        saxaphone student        student playing saxophone

marching band cellists happy students 

violinists pep band