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Watson serves approximately 375 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. 

Following the merger of Morton and Watson Elementary Schools in 2016-17, Watson became a school-wide Title I School, with 56% of the students eligible for free/reduced lunches. The majority of the student population is white (77%) with a significant Hispanic population (16%). Other ethnic groups represented in the student body are American Indian, Asian, African American/Black, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders.

Student support services are provided through Title I, EL (English Learner), and Special Education programs. Watson is a site for three Individual Skills Development Program Classrooms for the District.  These classrooms serve students with significant cognitive or social-emotional needs.

Watson Elementary has a staff of 62 members, including classroom teachers, special education teachers, a full-time counselor and nurse, paraeducators, and specialists in vocal and instrumental music, physical education, art, library and media services, Title I, and EL.

School community members place a high value on post-secondary education that will lead to professional careers. Many parents are involved in school and classroom support projects. The school Parent/Teacher Organization is a highly valued partner that supports school projects financially and is involved in supporting children's lifelong learning.