Board of Education Goals images
Board of Education Goals images

Board of Education Goals

Focus on


  • Enhance district culture that places high value on the importance of student well-being, engagement, and mental health
    • Emphasize the importance of active involvement and belonging through school clubs, activities, and extracurricular offerings
  • Maximize support for all learners to optimize growth and achievement across the curriculum at all academic levels from PreK through career and college readiness
  • Establish systems that prioritize attendance and behavior accountability

Focus on


  • Enhance district culture that places high value on the importance of staff well-being, engagement, and mental health
    • Empower educator innovation and
    • Creative with non-student contract time to support educational staff in the many complex tasks they
  • Recruit, retain, and professionally
    develop high quality staff through
    competitive compensation and benefit
    packages, meaningful professional
    development and a safe and welcoming
    work environment, support from
    administration and more
    • Pursue potential options to "Grow
      Our Own" educators through different opportunities for support staff, graduating students, and others

Focus on


  • Enhance district culture that places high value on the importance of community well-being, engagement, and mental health
  • Expand partnerships with Foundation
  • Ensure school district leadership remains involved, visible, and approachable throughout the community
  • Increase partnerships and collaborations with our community for career awareness, community service initiatives, and shared topics of interest that benefit all
  • Communicate at a high level with our community through a broad array of techniques and strategies that engage citizens of all backgrounds

Assuring the essential. Expanding the possible.